The Big Hack
24th – 26th June 2022
Participation Regulations
1. Aims and description of The Big Hack
These Regulations apply to the running of the online event called The Big Hack (hereinafter “Hackathon” or “Event”) organised by the Innova Camera Special Company of the Rome Chamber of Commerce (hereinafter “Innova Camera” or “Organiser”), complementing the actions taken during the Maker Faire Rome (2021 edition) and run within the context of the related collaboration with the Campania Region – Sviluppo Campania, referred to in the “Operational Plan for the enhancement, strengthening and opening of the regional R&I ecosystem” and thanks to the contribution of the European Commission drawn from the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 (Executive Decree 58/2020 POR FESR [Regional Operational Programme, European Regional Development Fund] 2014-2020 – AXIS I OS 1.3, Action 1.3.3. CUP B29D20000060009).
The Hackathon is produced with the support of the technical partner Codemotion Srl, with registered office at via Marsala 29/H, Rome and Tax ID & VAT number 12392791005 (hereinafter “Technical Partner” or “Codemotion”), for the operational management of the digital format. It will be structured in thematic “challenges” promoted by companies sponsoring the initiative (hereinafter “Partners” or “Sponsors”), which will be communicated prior to the Event. The challenges are aimed at anyone (hereinafter, “Participant/Participants”) interested in the topics of Energy, Mobile, IoT, Cyber Security, Smart Cities, Industry 4.0, Electronics, AI, Sustainability and, more generally, to topics related to technological innovation with the goal of receiving presentations for project ideas (hereinafter “Projects”) that respond to one of the proposed challenges with an innovative and technological approach. The Hackathon is aimed at all those who meet the inclusion criteria detailed in Article 2 below.
These Regulations (hereinafter “Regulations”) constitute the set of rules that govern the participation in and conduct of the Hackathon and all activities related to it (including promotion and advertising). The Regulations constitute a contract between the Parties.
2. Recipients
The Event is aimed at innovators, developers, makers, engineers, web & mobile UX/UI design specialists, data scientists, start-uppers, digital marketing & communication experts and, more generally, anyone interested in the topics covered by the challenges that make up the Hackathon. Participation in the Hackathon – the official language of which shall be English – will be done in teams, and is free and open to all natural persons (Italian or foreign) over the age of 18, with the exception of employees of the Organiser and Partners or their cohabitants, family members or first- and second-degree relatives. The following shall therefore be allowed to participate:
- teams composed of a minimum of 3 up to a maximum of 5 members;
- In this case, by registering on the Platform of the Technical Partner (hereinafter the “Platform“), the Participants agree from now on to be included in Teams formed by the Organizer or by the Technical Partner in consideration of the profile and the experience of the individual Participants, their ideas and their skills.
3. Hackathon Registration
a) Registration and participation in the Hackathon is personal, free of charge and formalised by registering on the Codemotion Platform (hereinafter the “Platform”) with subsequent registration for the Event.
b) In order to participate in the Event, Participants must register on the Platform, and then complete the registration form in the specific section dedicated to the Hackathon, available at This will be followed by a confirmation email sent to the address provided during registration. Registration to take part in the Hackathon is open from 7th June until 1:00 PM CEST on 26th June 2022. In the event that the number of participants is too high, the Organiser reserves the right to close the registration process early.
During the registration phase, Participants will be asked to provide the following data:
- personal details of the individual Participant or, in the case of a Team participation, the Team members;
- email address.
c) Participants’ admission to the Hackathon will be granted based on the chronological order of completion of the registration procedure. Participants may present themselves individually or in already-formed teams, with each individual Participant still obliged to register.
d) The formation and composition of the Teams or individual Participants in the Event will be formalized during registration for the Hackathon through the specific invitation function of the members and each Participant will be able to join only one Team. Each Team will be identified by the name chosen by the members themselves for the Project. The name of the Team cannot, under penalty of the entire group’s exclusion from the Event, correspond or refer (even partially) to company names and/or well-known or registered trademarks, or contain or be associated with expressions that incite violence, discrimination, obscenity and/or defamation.
e) Each Participant who signs up affirms that the personal information provided by them upon registration is true and correct. If the Organiser becomes aware that the information provided during registration is inaccurate, the Participant may be excluded.
f) Participation in the Event implies, by each Participant, full acceptance of these Regulations and the release, where necessary, of consent to the processing of personal data.
g) Participants are advised that participation in the Hackathon does not, in itself, determine any right to receive compensation for any reason, and that any related expenses shall not be borne and/or reimbursed by the Organiser.
4. Running of the Hackathon
a) The Hackathon, to be held on the Technical Partner’s Platform, will start with the formation of the groups at 5.30pm CEST on Friday 24th June 2022 and will close at 8:00pm CEST on 26th June 2022. The Organiser reserves the right to alter the days and times of the Event due to potential technical requirements, and to cancel it at its sole discretion before it starts – without, in so doing, creating any liability on the part of the Organiser. Any changes to the dates or times of the Event will be communicated to the email address provided by the Participants during registration, as well as through the Event website.
b) The Organiser can at any time communicate to the subscribers through the website any opening and closing events of the Hackathon, information on the official timetable of the opening and closing events, the agenda and the procedures will be communicated on the Event website. Information about the official opening and closing times of the events, the agenda and procedural formalities will be communicated on the Event’s website. At least one representative for each team is required to be present at the Closing Event.
c) During the Event, which is separated into challenges promoted by the Event’s Partners, the Participating Teams will be monitored in the implementation of individual projects by Mentors – industry experts, developers, IT professionals and technicians (hereinafter “ Mentors”). The means of accessing, related scheduling, and availability of the Mentors will be published on the Hackathon website during the launch phase of the Event. The mentorship activity for Participants will be carried out through the dedicated chat on the “Discord” platform, subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions of use of the latter and the related information for the processing of personal data, the link to which will be available within of the page dedicated to the Hackathon . Mentors operate in the position of a third party, and will not favour one Participating Team over others in any way. They will follow the guidelines provided by the Organiser and the Technical Partner in order to respect the originality of the work submitted by the Participants.
d) During the Hackathon, checkpoints will be scheduled with the Mentors in order to monitor the progress of the Projects. The timing and format for these will be made known to Participants on the Event website. In order to ensure the validity of their proposal, each Team will be required to participate in at least two of these checkpoints.
e) Each participating Team must submit its Project for review no later than 8:00pm CEST on Sunday 26th June 2022, using the specific submission form available at
f) Each Project must contain:
- the Project’s name;
- a graphic or logo for the Project;
- a brief description of the Project, including an indication of the chosen challenge;
- an extended description;
- keywords (tags);
- a link to access the repository containing all the materials that can be used to evaluate the Project;
- a link to the video pitch for the Project (maximum duration 3 minutes).
Other useful links to describe the Proposal can be inserted at the Team’s discretion in the appropriate fields. Any additional information on how to send and submit Projects will be specified in an email that will be sent to the address provided during registration.
5. Jury and assessment
At the end of the Hackathon, the Projects presented by the Participants’ teams will be evaluated by a jury (hereinafter the “Jury“), appointed at the sole discretion of the Organiser and the Partners involved. The winning teams will be announced during the closing event, the agenda and procedures of which will be announced on the event website.
b) For each challenge promoted by the Organiser and the Partners, the Jury will use the following criteria to evaluate the proposals submitted by the Teams:
- Utility/Value
- Relevance to the proposed Challenges
- Clarity and completeness of the Project
- Design/User Experience
- Creativity/Innovation
c) At the end of the activities, each member of the Jury will assign a score from one to five to each Project (where five represents the maximum score). After awarding the score, the Jury will decide the final ranking of the Projects in the competition.
d) Participants are advised, and expressly agree, that the assessment criteria and the judgement of the Jury are final and cannot be challenged, and they hereby agree not to present objections or complaints against the decisions taken by the Jury.
6. Benefits for Participants and prizes
a) At the end of The Big Hack Hackathon, the winning teams for each challenge will be announced. The winners of each challenge will be awarded prizes offered by the Organiser or by the Partners of the Event which will be published on the event website. The Jury may grant additional awards to other Teams on a discretionary basis, in the event that certain projects are deemed worthy of interest.
b) Distribution of the prize to the members within each winning group will be agreed by the team itself. The members of the winning Teams will not be able to dispute the amount or nature of the prizes awarded, nor request their corresponding value in cash or their exchange/replacement for any reason. Nothing else shall be due in addition.
c) The Organiser reserves the right not to award the Prizes made available in the event that the projects do not, in the unquestionable view of the Jury, meet the objectives and aims of the Hackathon.
d) In accordance with Article 6 point a) of Italian Presidential Decree 430/2001, The Big Hack does not constitute a competition or prize-giving operation and is excluded from the application of the relative regulations, since its aim is the presentation of commercial and/or industrial projects or studies, with the awarding of prizes representing recognition of the winners’ personal merit, as well as an incentive in the interest of the community.
7. Participants’ obligations and responsibilities
a) By registering for the Event and accepting these Regulations, each participant agrees to respect the rules of the Hackathon and to behave with fairness and good faith during every stage of it. The Organiser and the technical Partner reserve the right to exclude from the Hackathon, at their sole discretion, any Participant and/or Team who does not comply with the provisions of these Regulations, as well as those who hinder and/or attempt to alter the correct functioning of the reward mechanism using fraudulent or unauthorised means or to compromise the success of the entire Event.
b) Participants expressly agree to, among other things, observe the following minimum rules of conduct:
- respect other Participants;
- avoid using expressions, in any case or context, that incite violence, discrimination, obscenity and/or defamation;
- avoid content that is offensive, defamatory, vulgar, political/ideological, religious, constitutes advertising, infringes privacy, or is in any event contrary to the law or to the principles of correctness and good faith;
- develop projects that adhere to the objectives of the Hackathon;
- avoid violation of copyrights, trademarks, patents or other intellectual and industrial property rights in the presentation of their projects;
- avoid violating third parties’ or other Participants’ right to privacy and personal data protection.
c) Each Team shall be exclusively responsible for the content of their Project – therefore, no direct or indirect liability can be attributed by anyone to the Organiser and/or Technical Partner and/or Partners with respect to the content of Projects. Each Participant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the Organiser and/or Technical Partner and/or Partners harmless in relation to any claim – including for damages – that may be advanced for any reason in relation to the Project presented.
d) By accepting these Regulations and participating in the Hackathon, each Participant agrees to act with the utmost care and diligence, for the entire duration of the Hackathon, when using any materials, platforms and technologies made available by the Organiser and/or Technical Partner and/or Partners, and to strictly comply with the safety and conduct rules and any indications provided by the Organiser and/or Technical Partner and/or Partners in order to guarantee the safety of all Participants.
8. Limitation of liability
a) The Technical Partner is committed to maintaining and managing the Platform using the best available knowledge to ensure its efficiency.
Bearing in mind the aforementioned:
b) The Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners cannot be held liable in any way for any damage including – but not limited to – indirect, consequential, special or incidental damages, nor for any damages and/or anomalies that may occur and which are beyond their technical control, such as dysfunctions in the management of telematic networks or malfunctions due to defects in the resources that are required to access the Platform or due to the improper use thereof.
c) Furthermore, the Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners shall be exempt from any liability for the interruption of their services resulting from force majeure, including – but not limited to – sabotage, fires, floods, earthquakes, strikes, the faulty operation of the Platform due to the incorrect functioning of telephone and electrical lines and global and/or national networks caused by faults, overloads or interruptions that are not attributable to the Organiser and/or Technical Partner and/or Partners.
d) The Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners cannot be held responsible for the non-receipt or the incomplete receipt of the electronic registration for the Event, for any reason. The Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners, therefore, cannot be held responsible if the data relating to the registration of a Participant are not received or are illegible. In this regard, Participants are reminded that the internet may be subject to technical difficulties that can cause slowdowns or make any connection impossible. The Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners cannot be held responsible for any problem encountered in accessing the site and/or the online registration process caused by the failure of the internet network, maintenance work or malfunctioning of the servers of the Hackathon.
e) Each Participant shall be solely responsible for their own internet access. Each Participant agrees to participate in the online Hackathon at their own risk. During the Event, each Participant shall be required to take all appropriate measures to safeguard their data and/or software stored on their IT equipment against any attack (e.g. by installing antivirus software and using a firewall).
f) The Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners cannot be held responsible for (among other things) infections by any computer viruses, or any access gained by third parties to Participants’ computer equipment. Innova Camera, the Technical Partner and the Partners cannot be held liable for any damages caused to the Participants, their computer equipment and recorded data or for any consequences to their personal or professional activity.
g) Each Participant will indemnify and hold harmless the Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners from any damage, injury, loss, cost, expense (including legal), sanction which the same should incur as a result of the participation itself.
9. Intellectual property rights
a) All names, trademarks, logos, graphic interfaces, text, user interfaces, computer code and other distinctive signs mentioned or reproduced on the site dedicated to the Event are protected by copyright, trademark or other intellectual and/or industrial property rights, and therefore remain the sole and exclusive property of their authors and rights holders. Reproduction and/or representation of all or part of the elements relating to the online Hackathon is strictly prohibited.
b) All data (including photographs and text) made available to Participants by the Organiser and/or the Technical Partner and/or the Partners during the online Hackathon remains the exclusive property, respectively, of Organiser, Technical Partner, and the Partners. Participants agree to use this data in such a way that it remains distinct and separable from the Project.
c) The authorisation granted to Participants to use the data provided by Innova Camera, the Technical Partner and/or the Partners shall be limited to the duration of the Event. Any use of the data beyond the purpose of the Event shall be prohibited unless a prior separate agreement exists between Innova Camera, the Technical Partner, the Partners and the Participants, respectively.
d) The use of logos or distinguishing signs belonging to third parties is permitted on the Platform. Such logos or distinguishing signs may be shown for purely descriptive purposes, with all rights attached to them belonging to their respective owners.
e) Each Participant expressly declares that each Project, prototype, idea, proposal or part thereof which is presented as part of the online Hackathon shall be original and shall not in any way violate, in whole or in part, the intellectual property rights of third parties: to this end, Participants agree to indemnify Innova Camera, Codemotion and/or the Partners from any and all liability and claims for damages and/or compensation that may be filed by third parties in this regard.
f) Innova Camera, Codemotion and the Partners shall allocate to the individual Teams, as a whole, the intellectual and/or industrial property rights inherent in the concepts developed and/or Proposals presented by them. Each Team shall remain fully responsible for protecting any innovative and/or original element of the Project from inappropriate use (via application for registration, submission of patent application, etc.), through the means provided for this purpose under law, including the payment of any commission or costs incurred.
g) Participants acknowledge that the Projects may be communicated, disclosed and/or published within the scope of the Event and/or via means of communication and media that may be used to promote the Event itself (even after it has taken place), and that this will result in the Projects being visible to all Participants in the Event and/or to the community targeted by the communication actions. To this end, they hereby authorise the Organizer, the Technical Partner and the Partners to communicate, disclose and/or publish the Projects, wholly or partially, for the purposes of the online Hackathon as well as for purposes related to promotional campaigns and internal & external advertising. Each Participant or Team shall, as such, grant Innova Camera, Codemotion and the Event Partners a right of use on the Projects presented during the Event that is free of charge, non-exclusive and without temporal and spatial limits, for the purposes referred to within this Regulation. Therefore, each Participant and/or Team hereby authorises Innova Camera, Codemotion and the Partners of the Event to use and publish their Projects on the Site and/or on other analogue, digital and paper communication channels (e.g. on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn). In the event of any of the Projects being re-used, the Participant or the Team will be mentioned using their name. In any event, Innova Camera, Codemotion and the Partners shall not assume any liability in the event of illicit or unauthorised use of the idea or work and/or the Project related to it, and/or any development and completion thereof by anyone who has become aware of it. Participants therefore waive the right to make any claims for damages and/or compensation against Innova Camera, Codemotion and the Partners of the Event for any reason, motive and/or cause.
10. Pre-emptive rights
a) The winning Participants, both Teams and individuals, hereby acknowledge a pre-emptive right in favour of the Partners holding the challenges for the purchase of the related Project. This right may be exercised for a period of 12 months starting from the conclusion of the Event.
b) Within this period, the Partner will notify the Participant or each member of the winning Team of any intention to purchase the Project, under conditions to be negotiated within 30 days from the date of the aforementioned notification, with a separate agreement.
c) In the event that an individual Participant or the members of the winning Team receive an economic proposal for the purchase of the Project from a third party during the validity period of the aforementioned pre-emptive right, they shall be obliged to promptly notify the Partner in order to allow them to exercise the aforementioned pre-emptive right within 30 days of notification, for an amount equal to that offered by the third party. If no agreement is reached, the Participants in the winning Teams will be permitted to accept the financial proposal from the third party.
11. Filming of the Event and authorisation to use images
Participants are informed that, during the Event, the Organiser, the Technical Partner and the Partners will be able to take photographs and make audiovisual recordings (hereinafter, the “Material”) which may also be of interest to Participants. By registering for the Event, Participants authorise Codemotion, the Organiser, the Campania Region-Sviluppo Campania and the Partners to make recordings of the individual persons themselves during the Event, completely free of charge, as well as to use the aforementioned Material to create photographic and audiovisual content and other promotional materials related to the Event itself (potentially also through editing or adaptation). This Material may be used for the purpose of dissemination via online communication channels, as well as any subsequent publication in the press or distribution and broadcast through any means of public communication that are available to the Organiser, Campania Region-Sviluppo Campania, Codemotion, and the Partners, after gathering the footage into any format. Participants also authorise the Organiser, Campania Region-Sviluppo Campania, Codemotion and the Partners of the Event to publish images and audiovisual recordings of them on the websites and social profiles used for the Event, free of charge.
In the case of Team participation, Participants who register for the Event declare, under their own responsibility, that the other members of the Team are aware of the content of the Regulations, and authorise Codemotion, the Organiser, Campania Region-Sviluppo Campania and the Partners of the Event to use their image in the forms and for the purposes referred to within this article.
The licences and any other authorisations detailed within this article shall be understood as being perpetual, free, and irrevocable, except in the event that there is a risk of serious damage to the Participant’s image and/or respectability.
12. Privacy
Pursuant to Articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, as Data Controller, Innova Camera – the Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce (with registered office at via de’ Burrò 147, 00186 RM) – as Data Controller, informs that Participants’ personal data will be processed in full compliance with current legislation.
Within the scope of the purposes referred to in this document, Innova Camera may send the personal data in its possession to employees, collaborators and third parties whose services it uses for the purposes detailed below, or with whom it collaborates in the running of the Hackathon.
Furthermore, during the course of the event, participants’ data may be sent to Codemotion and the Partners for the same purposes. Processing will be carried out in line with the methods and procedures that are strictly necessary in order to fulfil the purposes for which it has been collected – manually or with the aid of IT tools.
Processing will be done either directly by the owner or via third parties and service providers. In particular, in order to gather registrations, Innova Camera uses the Codemotion platform whose privacy policy may be consulted at With regard to the mentorship service, the Data Controller advises that this will be delivered through the Discord application, whose privacy policy may be reviewed at
In particular, the following processing activities will be carried out:
a) personal data entered in the application form will be processed in order to allow participation in the event;
b) data relating to each team (names and surnames of the members, team names, photos/videos of the team members during the event, projects presented and materials produced by the teams – published on their websites/social profiles and in the press) will be processed for the purposes of communication and promoting the Event;
c) participants’ contact details may be processed for the purpose of sending messages about other similar initiatives, for the purposes provided for under Italian Law 580/93, as amended by Italian Legislative Decree 23/2010, and within the scope of the institutional activities of Innova Camera.
d) the contact details of the participants may be used to carry out analyzes on the degree of user satisfaction with the services provided.
The data processing referred to under point a) is performed pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, point b) of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 upon the execution of a contract between the owner and the interested party, with data being retained for 5 years following the conclusion of the event.
The basis for the data processing referred to under point b) is the consent of the interested party, with data being retained indefinitely.
The processing referred to in letters c) and d) are based on the legitimate interest of the owner and will be kept until the request for cancellation of the interested parties.
Participants may also provide their express consent to authorise the communication of their data to third-party partners of the initiative in order to implement promotional and/or commercial initiatives and activities that are not necessarily related to the Hackathon.
The interested party may exercise the rights referred to in Articles 15 et seqq. of the aforementioned EU Regulation at any time by sending a written request to Innova Camera, via de Burrò 147, 00186 Rome or by sending an email to The Collaborator also has the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian DPA, as the supervisory authority, if they believe that the processing of their personal data is in violation of the stipulations of current legislation. Please note that Innova Camera has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted by writing to
13. Acceptance of the online Hackathon Regulations
Registration, enrolment and participation in the online Hackathon imply Participants’ full and unreserved acceptance of these Regulations, as well as the Terms and Conditions of the Codemotion Platform, available at, which form an integral and substantial part of these Regulations.
These Regulations may be reviewed at the Event website:
These Regulations govern the relationship between the Organiser, the Technical Partner, the Partners and individual Participants, and do not give rise to any rights in favour of third parties. If the Organiser becomes aware of a violation of the rules by Participants or by the proposals submitted by them, they will have the right to order their immediate exclusion from the Event.
14. Publication and validity of the Regulations
These Regulations have been drafted in English.
These Regulations are valid and effective as of its date of publication.
The Organiser and Codemotion reserve the right to make amendments at any time prior to the project assessment stage, even without prior notice. In this case, every Participant shall be informed by an email sent to the email address they provided when registering. Should the individual Participant or Team not agree with the amendments made to the Regulations, they may withdraw their participation from the event before the project assessment stage by sending an email to In this case, no liability may be assigned to the Organiser, the Technical Partner and/or Partners following the withdrawal by the Participants or Team from the Hackathon.
There is no legal basis for applying the regulations of a public auction. Everything regarding the organisation of the Event, the selection of Participants, the awarding of prizes and, in general, the progress of the Event is to be understood as confidential information exclusively owned by the Organiser. Additional information other than that published during the Event shall therefore not be provided nor be disclosed without the prior authorisation of the Organiser. It is furthermore not permitted to present documents which are, for all intents and purposes, internal (for example, members of the Jury and/or the Organiser are not obliged to inform anyone of the points obtained by the Participants when voting or the ranking of the non-winning Participants).
The organiser reserves the right to cancel, modify or suspend the Event, in whole or in part and at any time. In case of cancellation of the Event for any reason, the Organiser will promptly notify via the website. Each Participant renounces as of now to assert any right to compensation for damages – including out-of-pocket costs incurred for the preparation of the Project and any travel and accommodation expenses etc. – connected with the cancellation of the Contest, regardless of the causes or reasons that determined it.
15. Applicable law and dispute resolution
The relationships between the Participants and the Organiser, the technical Partner and other Partners are governed by Italian law based on which these Regulations shall be interpreted and applied.
Any dispute that arises in relation to these Regulations, including those essential to its validity, efficacy, interpretation, execution and resolution, shall be the exclusive competence of the Court of Rome.
Pursuant to Articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the Participant declares they have carefully read and expressly agree to the following clauses: Article 3 (Hackathon Registration), Article 4 (Running of the Hackathon), Article 5 (Jury and Assessment), Article 6 (Benefits for Participants and Prizes), Article 7 (Participants’ obligations and responsibilities), Article 8 (Limitation of liability), Article 9 (Intellectual Property Rights), Article 11 (Filming of the Event and authorisation to use images), Article 13 (Acceptance of the online Hackathon Regulations), Article 14 (Publication and validity of the Regulations) and Article 15 (Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution).